

Master thesis - Thesis title: Pose-Invariant Face Detection based on Trees of Wavelet Approximated Vector Machines

Abstract: One of the main problems in face detection is the large variety of different faces. To handle faces with larger pose we introduce a new approach for pose-invariant face detection. The idea of this project is to divide the feature space into sub spaces for reducing the complexity for hypotheses. A serialization of one detector per sub space is used. These get trained onto different pose regions and can run in se- quence. As detector we use the WVM (Wavelet Approximated Vector Machine) for its efficiency. Has the WVM a high probability, the object was found. To optimize the performance the detectors will be arranged in a hierarchical tree structure. A root node covers the union of the sub spaces. If the root node does not reject the patch as non-object, the leaves will be traversed. The leaves are trained for smaller pose regions (e.g. -90 to -40, -40 to 40, 40 to 90 degrees). The decisions of the leaves will be combined by fusion of the responses. With this approach a pose-invariant face detection can be obtained.

The thesis can be found here: Download.

Bachelor thesis - Thesis title: Integration of a web service into different platforms

Over the last few years the number of users of the World Wide Web has increased immensely. The users are taking part at Web 2.0 [1], creating and sharing contents with other users. Because of this the number of web services has also grown for offering easier access to different communities and their contents. This article reviews and details how a web service can be tied to different platforms (e.g.: browsers and web software) including the differences and the similarities between them. An example of web service used in this article is useKit [2] which is a practical implementation. UseKit belongs to a new generation of web services which are becoming more and more familiar, because they are included in the DOM-tree.

Small description: The title of the thesis is "Integration of a web service into different platforms". Usekit is a web service founded by the University of Basel. Dr. Sven Rizzotti developed the idea of it in his PHD. In the following year, the so-called Usekit team extended to several members. I joined the team during the beginning of the commercial marketing. Like the title of the thesis contains, I was responsible for the integration of Usekit into different platforms. It was an enriching experience for me to work in a larger team with different responsibilities of every members.

TCP Optimization

This project took place within the scope of the networking and security lecture. The aim of the project was to observe the behaviour of download speed in correlation to the number of connections, furthermore to optimize it. The environment included three computers connected in a row. The one in the middle symbolized the server, from which the files should be downloaded. One of the other computers is the one which downloads the file, another symbolizes the internet and downloads permanently lots of files from the server. Detailed information can be found in the report.

"Mensch ärgere dich nicht"

Within the scope of the lecture ‘Programming II’, we developed a network game in a team of four people. The idea was to implement "Mensch ärgere dich nicht" in java, including some special features like questions for finishing the game or specific option fields with extra-features. The game had to be finalised within a half-year-period and had to be playable with using the network. The exercise was to simulate the process of developing a software, featured with defining milestones, building documents, diagrams and prototypes. In the end, we had a full-playable version of the game.


"Thore und Thürme" is a project for an online game. A friend of mine, Daniel Kastner, had the idea of working out a game of ‘the new generation’, arranged as a union of features from different other games. Because of the missing programming skills, he asked me to join to his team. Due to the time pressure, the project is ad acta at the moment, until both of us are able to continue.


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